MESS strives to represent Mechanical Engineering students, offer professional development opportunities, provide academic support, and enhance the social experience of undergraduate students during their time at Schulich. MESS hosts both social and professional events such as: Lunch & Learns, the annual Mechtoberfest Cabaret, Student/Prof Christmas Party, Squash Ladder, Technical Elective Night, and the LENGEN - wait for it, and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant - DARY Ski Trip! MESS also organizes an annual International Trip with past locations to Japan, Germany, Spain, the UK, and many more! Other services MESS provides include locker rentals, cheap vending machines, and Mechanical Engineering merchandise. For more information, come see us in MEB 206! You can also email us at or and visit our website or Facebook We’ll make sure your degree is full of memories that you’ll never forget and memories you’ll never remember. #letsgetmessy