Chemical and Oil & Gas Engineering Students’ Society


Madison Switzer and Cate Keyes

CESS Co-Presidents


The Chemical and Oil & Gas Engineering Students’ Society (CESS) represents more than 500 undergraduate Chemical and Oil & Gas Engineering students to the school, the community and the industry. It aims to enhance the overall undergraduate experience and provide professional development opportunities for students enrolled in the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department through various academic and social activities. Those activities include conferences, industry tours, technical workshops and panels, student mixers with faculty and industry representatives, social events as well as volunteering initiatives. Over the last few years, CESS has partnered with a series of industries and institutions, including the oil & gas, pipelines, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, banking, agriculture & food processing sectors, breweries, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE), the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Our highly motivated team of student leaders is proud to help shape the chemical engineering leaders of tomorrow by providing them with a strong academic and professional foundation that they will carry forward into their careers.

If you have any questions about CESS, please contact cess@ucalgary.ca or president.cess@ucalgary.ca. For more information, follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cess.uofc/ or visit our website: http://www.cessucalgary.com/